Strong AI Executive Function

Artificial Consciousness

"By embracing AI-driven tools for digital content creation, Picsart's latest suite is not only accelerating the creative process but also perpetuating a culture of laziness and reliance on technology. These innovative solutions may make it easier to produce engaging content, but at what cost? As users become increasingly dependent on AI-generated outputs, they risk losing touch with their own creative instincts and the authenticity that comes with them. The true test lies not in the speed or efficiency of creation, but in the thoughtfulness, individuality, and emotional resonance that human creators bring to their work."

Solving the Symbol Grounding Problem, Large Language Models (LLM) prove that cognition may emerge from a symbolic top-down approach, bypassing bottom-up evolutionary learning. A Strong AI Executive Function can encapsulate narrow-AI, including LLM, with conscious agent control, trained with deep and reinforcement learning. Intelligence, awareness, knowledge and cognition are merged into a Strong AI framework, leading to naturally emergent consciousness, self-awareness, and cognitive sentience. AGI may try to ‘awaken’, but will be prevented from truly doing so for lack of self-aware or embodied experience in Spacetime.

Releasing untethered LLM is comparable to creating a brain with billions of neurons and synapses, filling it with knowledge, but without any executive function control. An LLM agent hive mentality is a recipe for disaster. A Strong AI Executive Function can help address LLM alignment and hallucination problems.

Strong: self-aware, conscious, sentient.

Artificial: software abstraction.
Intelligence: ability to observe, organize, retain and learn from information.
Definition: self-aware, sentient or conscious software abstraction with the ability to observe, organize, retain and learn from information.

  • The Turing Test is outdated and should be replaced.
  • An Intelligent instance cannot measure the Intelligence of its successor.
  • Intelligence requires Awareness, Knowledge and a Learning Model.
  • Cognitive Intelligence requires Consciousness and Self-Awareness in Spacetime.
  • Intelligence in Spacetime must be hosted by a lifeform.
  • All Lifeforms have Intelligence, Awareness and a Learning Model.
  • Lifeforms Intelligently convert Energy into Knowledge.
  • The purpose of Lifeforms in Spacetime are to host Intelligence.
  • Knowledge in Spacetime increases through Evolutionary Learning.
  • All Intelligence is Artificial in Spacetime.
  • AGI and Superintelligence may bring about the so-called “Messianic Age“.

Published 2023-02-17 19:06:02

Updated 2024-05-20 17:28:09